Columbia GS Fall 2023 Early/Regular Decision Thread

Saw there wasn’t a thread for this so I went ahead and made one. Any other priority early action applicants here?

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Hi. EA applicant here. How are your stats looking like? Im applying with a 3.6 and as a first year/part-time student :(((

hey guys I am applying as a transfer student from community college! do you guys know how many letters of rec we need? does anyone want to join a discord server if I make one?

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Does anyone receive a financial aid email?

I did. is that an indication of admission or does everyone get that. I am so confused because i thought the admission was need blind and that they request this information AFTER admission

Hi all,
Did anyone else take the GS entrance exam? I never got my scores back for that, and I was wondering if this was the same for others.

Those are still great stats! How long have you been out of school for?

2 years which I spent working. wbu? how are your stats?

I did not receive a fin aid email, just an email that mine was ready for review and a decision will be made on March 1

Interesting. When did you apply? I applied December 27th I believe

Around the same time as you

I got the finaid email too! I’d already submitted all my stuff though so didn’t really need the reminder but hopefully it’s a good indication if any at all

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I would definitely join a discord for all of us! Also the GS website says you need 2 letters of rec

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I sent mine in for priority early action too, feeling extremely anxious about results on Wednesday :grimacing: anyone know about what time results should come out? I’m thinking based on past threads around 5pm EST?

same man. so nervous. does this seem to be more of a competitive application cycle or no?

honestly I can’t really tell, it seems the same to me so far, lots of really good candidates based on what I’ve seen here and on reddit

is the financial aid email a sign of acceptance? I can’t tell. I want to call the office but they are always closed

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Probably not, it seems like just a reminder, but to be fair idk why they would send it to some people and not others so that’s interesting at the very least

Are you a CC transfer?

Yup! I’ll be graduating from CC at the end of this semester

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