Ok, I see. (good luck) This is a transfer thread though… not a waitlist thread. Our decisions haven’t come out yet and your responses could potentially cause some unnecessary confusion.

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Was anyone able to call them to get a date?

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OK sorry

Last year they notified on May 04 9 50 am est that decisions will be out on 8th

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I called a week ago… I was able to reconfirm: 1. Decisions are not rolling out slowly. 2. Applicants would receive an email with the decision date when ready. Based on last year’s (Fall 2020) transfer thread - portals went down/ checklist disappeared on 5/4. A decision date of 5/8 was announced via email (and on the CU portal) on 5/4. My guess is, we’re looking at next Friday, 5/14/21 - unless advised otherwise, today or tomorrow.


That’s a positive sign! I know of at least 2 that were contacted for mid-term grades late April of last year, both subsequently admitted as transfers.

Maybe we’ll get something today or tomorrow for a Friday release. Releasing next week would be cutting it close I feel like.

I don’t think it has to be on Friday. I’ve checked past transfer threads and it seems that the decisions were released on Wednesday in 2019, Friday in 2018, and Wednesday in 2017.

That’s true, it doesn’t have to be on Fridays. My point was, this Friday (5/7) would be cutting it very close. Seems that they like Wed and Fri. We’re almost there…

Also a little confused about this lol. Are we talking about mid-term grades or grades for the whole spring semester? I think we’ve all submitted mid-year report (I believe it contains mid-term grades) if applicable–why would the AOs require it again for certain students?


This year for the 2021 combined plan, they sent an email the night before (at like 6:30) that the decisions would come out the following day (at 5pm) so who knows. Just gotta wait in agony.

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My friend just called and they said they’ll be released 3rd week of May. That’s so far away! :sob: especially since they said decisions will be out by May 15

The person that took my call kept saying mid-May. She would not commit to a specific date, though, she did indicate they were not even close. This was a week ago. I guess they have a better sense today… that it’s going to be 3rd week of May. Ugh

Is this the same friend who you also said called and said that they are “starting to release decisions starting next week till the first week of May. If this helps ease everyone’s minds”


I’m wondering, does the 3rd week means May 14 or May 21?

I guess there must have been much more transfer applicants this year so that they have to delay the results…

Here’s my interpretation to make myself feel better. May 1 was a Saturday so technically we’re in the second week of May. So the third week would be next week. This actually might be quite false and they would mean the week after but I’m just having hope :rofl:

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I rlly hope it to be May 14. May 21 is too late lol

Yeah! They’re giving very mixed information. Each person you call will give a different date lol

Exactly it’s truly so far away. I need some relief ASAP :sob: