May 15th! not sure about the time but maybe 7pm EST

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I sent my college transcript a month ago but it still shows “awaiting” in my portal. Is anyone else experiencing the same thing?

How did you send it? Email or regular mail? I think admissions is fairly overwhelmed with the first year admissions. They may not have had a chance to log it in yet but I’d send an email asking for confirmation they received it.

It was sent directly from my school’s transcript system

My go to is to email but they’re not very receptive to that it seems. Once all the freshman stuff is finished they should contact you about missing info. Not the most satisfying resolution. I’d give it another week then check in with them.

From Columbia’s website:

Please note that given the volume of documents that are received daily, we are unable to confirm individual submissions. Applicants will receive information via email about tracking their application materials.

Thank you so much for the help! I really appreciate it!

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me too! I asked my advisor to resend it today but yeah still awaiting

Hi guys. I have applied to Columbia College for transfer. My dilemma is that i wasnt able to submit my college transcript earlier because of some reasons at the college. I haven’t even attempted to send them in but my columbia portal says it has been received what should i do? I am super worried

Are we required to submit our standardized test scores if we have taken them? Is Columbia test-optional for transfers? I took the SAT but did not get a strong score.

Yes they require them.

Transfer applicants will still be expected to submit results from tests taken in past years. Transfer applicants who have not previously tested will have this requirement waived for the 2020-2021 application cycle.

I have a very low SAT score vv low for me to even think about Columbia but a 4.0 after 3 semesters at CC and almost all A’s on mid term report. Do i have a chance?

It’s a holistic review process. Your SAT score would likely weigh less since you have taken some college courses… Your college grades, in theory, should matter more than your SAT score. Your extra curricular activities and LORs are also contributing factors on whether you stand a chance.

do we send our curriculum reports directly from our current school or do we send them ourselves (like through email)?

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You can upload it through the portal its easier

some of my professors are slow… is it bad if I don’t get my curriculum report in by April 1

My profs are really slow also…I think the website said April 15th or something but I’m worried that I won’t even be able to keep that deadline

Oh yeah you’re probably right-I think April 1 was for another one of my schools, so I was trying to have it ready by that date. It seems much more difficult to complete this form digitally, so hopefully they can account for that if it’s submitted a bit late.

I might have a B+ on my mid term report… Not sure how much it’s gonna affect my App.

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do we need signatures on the report

yes i’m sending the pdf to each of my professors one after the other and having them fill out their section and include their signature as well