has anybody been contacted for extra info? seems like at this point last year people were getting grade requests

I was contacted yesterday!

what did they ask for?

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what did they say? was it from an ao?

It was a senior admission officer he just asked me to submit my mid year report ASAP to avoid delay in further review of my application (although I have done so already in early April…I guess they just missed it)

same thing happened to me! i had sent it in on like March 30 and they emailed telling me to submit it asap. i re-turned it in and all they said was they’d email again if they need more info

Did they give any indication of when they hope to have decisions out?

nah sorry as clueless as everyone else

did you have the midterm report marked as submitted on ur portal? or did they never fill it in on the portal initially

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they didn’t fill it in initially but I had assumed it was bc I’m on the quarter system, and it says explicitly on the portal that students on the quarter don’t need a mid term report. i had submitted it any way when it was due but I assumed it wasn’t checked off bc it wasn’t required for me. it’s checked off now tho

it seems like from previous years getting a spring grade request is linked to acceptance but idk what the difference between midterm report/spring grades is (or if there is one)


If we haven’t gotten a spring grade request, is it fair to assume we’ve been rejected?

If you already submitted it, why would you get a grade request?
I am assuming that only those who did not submit midterm grade and are getting accepted got the call.

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I think the spring grade request and midterm grade reports are different. I submitted my midterm grade report through the application portal shortly after I submitted my Coalition Application.

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Yeah if you have already submitted that, why would you get a phone call? I really think spring grade means midterm report reading previous people’s messages

it depends if ur in a quarter/semester system tbh.

I asked two friends who were accepted to Columbia last year–both of them didn’t receive AO emails requesting additional info. So I guess getting a request is a good sign, but not getting it is certainly not a bad sign. It might just mean they have everything they need. Hang in there!


Can decisions come out today since today is friday

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Were they transfer applicants or RD?

I really hope that’s the case lol although I think it’s more likely gonna be next Friday (5/7) cuz last year it was 5/8