GPA: 3.97(uw), 4.655(w)
APs: APES(5), Chem(4), CalcBC(5), APUSH(5), Biology(5), CS(5)
Senior Courseload: AP Literature, AP Latin, AP Stats, AP Physics, AP Macroeconomics, AP Studio Art
Class size: ~230, no class rank
Female Asian American
ACT: 36
SAT II: Math II(800), Biology(770)
ECs (leadership position):
Dance Crew (President/Choreographer): very tight-knit, 3 self-choreographed performances a year, invites dancers (mostly from competitive dance crews) to conduct workshops
Technology Student Association (Founder/President)
Newspaper Club (News Editor)
National Honor Society (Recording Secretary): runs tutoring program
Science League: on school team for Biology I, Chemistry I, and Physics I; received 1st place as team
Math Team
National Art Honor Society
National Latin Honor Society
Handbell Ensemble: advanced group
national soloist finalist for 2 dance competitions (1st place)
Piano for 9 years, passed ABRSM Grade 8 Piano Practical Exam
Volunteered in Taiwan at English summer camp
Volunteered at church regularly
Pretty good I think. I’m close to all my teachers and they asked for very detailed info.
Probably will be on my synesthesia (grapheme-color) or dance
You have strong stats, but so do nearly all applicants at these schools. I’d say that Princeton, Yale, Columbia and Brown are reaches and CMU is a reach or a low reach depending on the school to which you apply.
Have you chosen some matches and at least one safety? All apps should be to schools you like (according to fit variables…) and can afford without taking on too much debt.
You will definitely get admitted to BU, Rutgers, NYU, and CMU. RISD depends on portfolio. Brown, Columbia, Yale, and Princeton are possible depending on essays. Your scores and grades are very solid but ECs are somewhat typical.
why applying to RISD? If you are specifically looking for a fine arts/design program there are several others to consider.
What did you want to study at a design school?