<p>I just took a visit there and I loved it, but i'd like some more info on it. I plan on majoring on fashion design and minoring in photography. I love the program and would love to hear opinions on it. Like how hard is it REALLY to get in? Any good portfolio ideas? Would love to year opinions from alumni and anyone else who has helpful information!</p>
<p>Actually, I met a gal who is in grad school there and loves it! From what I can tell, it isn’t that hard to get into. Moreover, according to this one person, many of the kids are n’t that motivated and aren’t as motivated as kids at some of the more well known art and design schools. You can take that for what it’s worth.</p>
<p>I’ve visited here too. (It’s about 3 hours from home.) I visited over a year ago but the thing that mainly stands out is their sophomore- senior dorms. I didn’t feel very good about their academic program and their admissions counselor told me some facts that did not match up with their website. However he did give me some advice on my work that was very good. </p>
<p>Out of all of the schools I visited (10 I think) I didn’t apply to this one. If your in the midwest and this is the first school you visited look around at others. I have found that every school has a major focus and the strength of every department varies. </p>
<p>I’m not saying yay or nay about this school because that is how I felt about it.</p>
<p>Thank you so much! It’s only about an hour from my house which is a huge plus for me… I was also thinking of looking into the Cincinnati Institute of Art. I really liked my visit and the program though. I didn’t see too many problems with it. I am planning on majoring in Fashion Design, what was your major going to be? Anyone else have opinions? I would love to hear everyone’s!</p>
<p>I was going to major in advertising and graphic design. I ended up asking a lot of questions about career placement and many schools I talked to just mumbled and said “oh well students find jobs” </p>
<p>And I ended up choosing a school 45 minutes away. Familiarity helps sometimes!</p>
<p>If you are considering the Art Academy of Cincinnati, make sure you ask lots of questions about resources. They have a very small school and I hear that their photography resources are scarce. If you meant the University of Cincinnati, that is a different story and I am sure Taxguy can give you the lowdown on their programs.</p>
<p>Actually, I only know one girl who want there and liked it. I got the feeling that they are a very small art school and don’t have the offerings or majors of their bigger counterparts.</p>
<p>Yeah, I would much rather go to CCAD as of now than art institute of Cincinnati. It seems like a really good school. Hollister, abercrombie, Ann Taylor, and so many other clothing institutes are based in Columbus, and I think that really compliments my fashion design major. They told me that most fashion design students know where they’re going after they graduate by beginning of their senior year. </p>
<p>I don’t know much about fashion but you might want to do thru research before you’d assume there are actual design=creative jobs in Ohio.
I had a coworker relocated to Columbus after 911, but it was for apparel production management job.
I see that A&F are bought by Ohio magnate and seems doing everything there, but Ann got things in NYC where all design interns are called in.
Headquater/Homebase does not always mean where design job is also located.
I make toys and we got HQ in midwest but studio is in NYC. (in some cases, China or Thailand, where they do actually “make” stuff)
big firms move HQ to weird places for weird reasons $, politics, or sourcing, shipping handling issues.
Just check to be sure and ask many many questions.
Do A&F actually take local interns or they’d rather fly in top student from UK?
if artschools people won’t tell you clear numbers, go to the company you are interested in, there is always “contact us” link.
if it’s in the neighborhood, walk up and ask.
That’s sort of how I got my job long time ago.
good thing about young and inexperienced is, you got nothing to lose.
good luck!</p>
<p>The Limited Brands are based in Columbus and includes Victiroa’s Secret, Henri Bendel, Bath and Body Works. Until 2007, the parent company, The Limited, owned Abercrombie, Express, Structure and of course the Limited and Limited Too. All of these still have corporate functions in Columbus. But don’t think they own Ann Taylor. I believe that is still based in NY. And since The Limited is a global firm, they can draw in talent from anywhere. </p>
<p>I had a co-worker who was accepted to Pratt with a scholarship, but did not end up going because they couldn’t swing the boarding and other fees. She went to CCAD, but not in fashion design and now works in business strategy. Just proves that the ability to visualize and communicate can translate to more professions than art.</p>