<p>Although it would be a mistake to consider an alcohol violation an honor violation, it is not taken lightly at USMMA. Breach of alcohol rules is a serious disciplinary with severe punishment. For the policy, see</p>
<p>That said, violation of the alcohol rules by itself simply does not fit the definition of an honor code violation. See</p>
<p>However, because womens safety is a concern at the service academies, there are also strict rules on fraternization.</p>
<p>Realistically, you cannot discuss womens safety without recognizing the role of alcohol. </p>
<p> Alcohol has been called the number one date rape drug.<br>
Alcohol use is the central factor in most college rapes.
Alcohol use increases the likelihood of sexual assault occurring among acquaintances during social interactions.</p>
<p>Wayne State University researcher Antonia Abbey reports that, on average, at least 50 percent of sexual assaults among college students involve alcohol use. </p>
<p>Although both participants in college sexual assault have typically been drinking, the alcohol induces widely divergent perceptions of what is happening and contributes to tragic results.</p>
<p>Bottom line: The intoxicated man perceived the woman in these situations as being more sexually aroused than she was. Women were unaware of the impact of alcohol consumption on their awareness of the mans perceptions and were not prepared for the likelihood of unwanted sex. For more research on the alcohol dynamic in date rape, see</p>