with the closure of several programs over the last 3 years, do we have any early data of new program openings or old programs closing for the 2019-2020 admission cycle ?
Keep in mind that the general trend is the gradual closure of programs year by year (i.e. UCSD, Drexel Feeders, various in-state Texas schools etc.) Every year, typically 1-2 programs shut down- various reasons could possibly account for this, it’s been pretty widely discussed on this forum.
Off the top my head, the only new program I know opening is Rutgers’s RWJMS, and it’s not truly guaranteed (only a interview with the medical school). Not too sure about the variety of Florida programs opening- they all seem like they’re quasi-guaranteed programs, which is why I didn’t consider applying.
Besides some programs completely closing out in the past 3-4 years, UCSD, Miami and NeoMed, some existing programs like Drexel have elongated the duration from 7 to 8 years and so may not be as appealing anymore as they once used to be.
Heard that Tulane, which used to select students to its program only from the pool who enrolled as freshmen changed its policy to offer without that requirement. Could be wrong, you may want to research more into it.