COme here if you own ti 84+ silver edition

<p>My brother just bought the ti-84 + silveredition after he lsot his Ti -83 + silver edition. Then, while doing his Practice SAT's, he found out that his MAth SAT score went from a 750 rangeto a 680 range! ANd guess what was the culprit!
I saw him use it and there's something about it that scares me. If you look closely, the pad with the numbers on the TI 84 + silver edition is curved inward, and the surrounding faceplat is raised, so the numbers are set inside the little wavy things, and the buttons themselves are curved inward, so it's really hard to quickly type in numbers say, for the SAT. since so little of it is rasied, if your fingernails are the tiniest bit long, like a millimeter long, you can make lots of mistakes while typing in the numbers. plus the buttons are incredibly small, so whereas on the ti 83 SE you can spot them quickly, on the 84 since th ebuttons are pointed at the sides, the tiniest bit of sideways movement can couasea wrong number!!!!!! I'm so ****ed, since i know that texas inrumentsmade it so that it would look cool, and it does, (more egormnomic), but that defeats the real prupose: USING IT!!!!!!!!!. SO we're gonna drive4 hours tommorw to this little warehouse that still sells TI- 83 + silver editions , since the texas intruments stopped making them.</p>

<p>I've asked people at my school, but no one seems to have them. I pity anyone with these stupid pieces of $$130 junk! sorry for my little rant, but I wanna boycottTeax Instrumets. Obviously the people who made them aren't high school students!!! they only designed it to look good, not work good!!!!
IF NOT< HOW do you guys deal with it? (th ecalculator) and i'm serious......hah, I sound like a retard, but guys, please give some input on this issue as it is a serious one.</p>

<p>oh, and onen more thing
I have to use the ti-84 for AP statistics next year. Do you guys have to key in lots of numbers for AP stats? becuase my school requires the ti-84 + silveer edition for that class, and the keypad on it is driving me crazy. If any of you guys are taking AP stat's, and use a ti 84 +, is it functionally good for the class? by that i mean do you guys have problems with the kkeypad at times? Thanks so much, PLEASE reply!!!!! ;-) See above
incognita is online now</p>

<p>Umm.. It couldn't have been the calcuator's fault that entirely messed him up. The incorrect math answers are based on simple mistakes, not on numbers that people could punch in wrong..</p>

<p>Wow, I didn't know anyone even used an 84. I thought the normal progression was always from 83+ to 89. I bet you'll eventually get used to your 84. It's always hard to learn a new calculator. Good luck!</p>