Coming home.

<p>I'm bored; so what kinds of things do you do when you get home from a long boring day at school.......</p>

<p>Sign on to CC</p>

<p>Homeworking, talking on MSN with people about homework.</p>

<p>Watch tv. Call friends. Sleep.</p>

<p>Wank for a few hours</p>

It’s like a piano on your keyboard.
It’s awesome as *<strong><em>, I’m using it right now and this post is a mother</em></strong>*ing song jesus christ</p>

<p>Gaming, TV, work out, exercise, sports, computer, movies, eating, sex, hang out, party.</p>

<p>Regardless of boredom, this is my daily life-cycle anyways.</p>

<p>^^, but I stopped gaming to work. Get a job if you are bored, its entertaining to make money and manage it.</p>

<p>You have a job? What grade are you in, and what’s the job?</p>

<p>I was going to get one at like Gamestop or something, where it’s easy and quick and interesting stuff. Hm…</p>

<p>Lol, you’re what – 16? 15? 14? 13? Gamestop rarely/never hires anyone <18 from what I’ve heard.</p>

<p>Dunno how the job market is in LA or wherever you are but here in Phoenix it’s horrible, so maybe by their proximity they’re comparable? I dunno… try going to those seasonal stores (like the Christmas supplies stores); they’re usually looking for workers around this time…</p>

<p>Gamestop only hires 18+: they have midnight releases for games, so they can’t take anyone under 18 or there’d be curfew issues.</p>

<p>I program in C++ for local university, not like research, I have a employee card and all that. I’ve been doing it since I was in 11th grade. (11th and 12th). My friends say its not really a job-job, but it is epic salary. </p>

<p>I have worked as a barista at starbucks, its alright. Lifeguard over the summer is a good option.</p>

Watch TV
Do homework (shocker)
Read a magazine
Pick out outfits

<p>IM, facebook, CC, TV, sleep</p>

<p>Yeah i’m just procrastinating…I DON’T want to read Othello…</p>

<p>Usually I just watch crap on TV, relax, go on the computer, fall asleep, and then sometime during the night, I start my homework.</p>