<p>Has anyone else noticed that there is a discrepancy with the expiration of liberty after Acceptance Day as stated in the letter from the Commandant (handed out at the museum on the morning of the 5th) and with the Regimental Calendar? The letter states that all plebes will have overnight liberty that afternoon and are not required to return to Academy grounds until 1800 hours on Monday. The calendar lists liberty expires for Plebe Class on Sunday, Sept 16 at 1800 hours.</p>
<p>Yes. Received word from the Academy that the letter is wrong. Liberty expires on Sunday at 1800.</p>
<p>Disregard. I just checked the Parents' Page as noticed the "Important notice" posted under the rotating WELCOME.</p>
<p>We are really disappointed about losing the extra day we thought we had. I say that was an enourmous error-not just a typo, either. Monday was clearly spelled out. And to distribute to all the parents there on the 5th!!! You'd think someone would have proof-read??? I had been looking forward to spending all that time with my son!</p>
<p>I figured it was wrong. What we were told prior to indoc is to play to spend past 1800 with your child. Hopefully the Admiral will tell them that they do not have to be back until later in the evening as he's done in the past sometimes.</p>
<p>As was stressed several times, the regimental calendar (available online) is the ONE source for accurate dates and times.</p>
<p>The 1-page handout was nice -- too bad it was incorrect. It doesn't mean they can't CHANGE it (hint hint).</p>
<p>Besides, why would they want to deprive all of the parents from boiling down the 20-22 page document into just the stuff that affects US? It keeps us busy and slows us down from asking for more photos to be posted :) .</p>
<p>Could be worse. The Naval Academy is not allowing over nights for Parents Weekend!</p>