<p>This is an extremely frustrating process and it does seem very random and selective based on "casting" needs. Yes, there is an abundance of talented kids and limited spots but I guess it all boils down to how a student will fit a specific spot in an ensemble. Is this really true?</p>
<p>So far rejections from Rutgers, NCSA, CMU (most likely) and expecting the similar news from NYU and SUNY Purchase. No emails, invitations or calls is a bad sign I guess.</p>
<p>Unfortunately for my son, many of these schools probably have limited amounts of Jake Gyllenhaal or Dylan Mcdermott type spots he would have been considered for.</p>
<p>So far rejections from Rutgers, NCSA, CMU (most likely) and expecting the same news from NYU and SUNY Purchase. Unfortunately, he has a short list.</p>
<p>I don't want to sound like sour grapes but it is disheartening when we witness the level of talent a child or daughter has and say; "why wouldn't they want a student like that?" </p>
<p>We were aware but probably not as well prepared I guess for the reality of the extreme selectivity of many of these top theatre schools. </p>
<p>Regardless of the outcome of this process, I will always will be a PROUD DAD. </p>
<p>(I am not bragging) but my son was selected for the cast of every production at a one of the nation's highest profile HS of Arts including the lead role in a major productioncof one of the great American classics. The school and students are fortunate to have some very talented and qualified teachers. He recently won a state Thespian Scholarship along with several Cappies. In addition to acting, he was the lead singer of a band that performed at Van's Warped Tour. All of this in the last few years. </p>
<p>We are looking towards the possibilty that he may not attend college in the fall. Instead, he may go straight to NYC and enroll in an acting conservatory. He is focused and determined to learn and work. </p>
<p>As a typical theatre parent I filter through the good news about his fellow classmates that plan to attend CMU Drama, NYU/Tisch and Julliard (2 were selected for dance). I see the endless list of acceptances on the CC boards and have to admit as a lurker, I still feel left out. I feel bad for my son who has worked so hard over the past several years to get to this point. </p>
<p>I ask myself, were his auditions at the unifieds not good enough? Was his cold noticable? Were his SAT scores too low? Should he have auditioned on campus?</p>
<p>Everyday around noon for the past several weeks my wife and I look at each other and begin our ritualistic "did WE get into any schools today?" as we stare at the mailbox, we are reminded that this is not about us. It's not about our egos. I'm not certain if that's always true. </p>
<p>Soon the anxiety and angst will be over. Decisions will be made. Plans will begin to fall into place. Ordinary junk mail will once again become ordinary junk mail. The "Congratulations" postcard that announces a FREE Cruise rather than an invitation to "attend our school" will be tossed into the recycle bin without a second glance.</p>