Acceptance/Rejection letters for 2009

<p>Unfortunately my D received her first rejection letter today. Worst of all she opened it right before heading out to perform in a ballet. I am not sure if it hurts more for the student or the parent. Any words of wisdom on how to keep a child’s confidence going through this difficult process.
Does anyone know how many people received acceptances or "maybe"s after this first round of auditions? We hear next week about EA acceptance into the school. My D would consider going there as a BA Theatre since she fell in love with the school. (And you can double major in Psychology.)
Good luck to those of you who auditioned.</p>

<p>Pohsmom, sorry for your news. Hopefully better news will be forthcoming in the near future. I think staying positive is very important for future performance. Realize that being accepted by only ONE of these top schools is a great accomplishment. I also know of people who have been rejected by safety schools and accepted by top notch programs. So have her keep her head up. In which state do you live? Trying to gauge whether my daughter may be in the same mailing and we just haven’t received it yet. Haven’t heard anything from Elon. Hope that’s good.</p>

<p>I am in South Florida. One of her male friends that auditioned on the same day has not heard anything either.</p>

<p>Having gone through this stressful process last year, I can tell you that Elon last December only made offers to 1 girl and 2 or 3 boys (I can’t remember right now). </p>

<p>I guess what I am trying to say that the odds are incredibly slim, and I think you simply need to remind your D of that and that a first rejection most definitely is not a reflection of anything. Things were simply not meant to be. What made things a little bit easier last year was that we wound up literally living the motto “whatever happens will be for a reason”. Someone recommended that early on to us, and I am happy to pass it on :D. Also, my D worked hard on not having a favorite BFA either, to avoid any disappointment. another thing you may consider, my D also had a preliminary pro and con’s list for each school (stuff she liked, and things she was not sure about); to soften a potential blow, I more or less zoomed in on the cons, and was prepared to point them out to her. </p>

<p>More than anything though, I think we can help out kids by showing we believe in them. We want nothing more than to see our kids happy, and so yes, I also think it hurts us more than it does them. </p>

<p>Sending you some cyber hugs, and keeping fingers crossed for you and your D!</p>

<p>Pohs - I remember last year my D receiving her first rejection letter. At the time it was her dream school and looked like EVERYTHING she wanted. I kept telling her everything happens for a reason and you’ll end up where you belong. But at the time not sure she really believed me or thought she was ever going to get over not getting into that school. She also had a hard time starting out with the first letter being a rejection like it was ominous. I can absolutely tell you 100% that today my D wouldn’t want to be anywhere other than where she is and now borders between thankful/couldn’t care less she didn’t get in that school. I think you’ll find dozens upon dozens of postings here on CC of the exact same sentiment. Just tell her to have faith that someday she is going to be exactly where she is suppose to be.</p>

<p>Thanks to the cc family for all its support!</p>

<p>My son is still waiting to hear from Elon…ahhh this is getting exciting!</p>

<p>My daughter is still waiting to hear from Elon as well but I can think of other ways to describe it. Gut Wrenching. Anyone heard of any acceptance calls?</p>

<p>I did hear of an acceptance call made to a boy on Saturday. One of my students found out today she is deferred, but she was told to “hang in there”, because they only offered deferral to a small group. Hope this helps! :)</p>

<p>Elon EA notification will be posted on Thursday (tomorrow night at the turn of the clock) 12AM.</p>

<p>My son got a deferrall note today from elon—yippee!</p>

<p>mamag63, a deferral amidst all the talent that is out there sure is a big accomplishment in itself :D, congratulations to your S!</p>

<p>My d got her letter today also - do these kids really have a valid chance? (or did they do themselves a disservice by auditioning early? Will folks remember how strong they were through watching the Jan/Feb auditionees? Those of you who have been through this: reassure us all :-)</p>

<p>Yes, they do! Quite a few of my son’s freshmen class were early deferrals. I know they videotaped his audition, so that may be one way they go back and look to make decisions. They just want to make sure they’ve seen all the auditionees before they make their final choices.</p>

<p>Hi all, my d was “waitlisted” & then accepted to the acting pgm. She auditioned for mt but is quite happy the way things turned out. I feel for you & wish you all the best!</p>

<p>Good news. My daughter received deferral letter today. Happy to see Georgia30720 comment.</p>

<p>Also, want to point out that not all who are offered early acceptance, actually accept the offer. From the EA offer letters last year only 1 person accepted and is now attending, and those who received an early acceptance letter the year before, it is my understanding that all wound up at different programs. When you get your EA letter you have to confirm by mid January that you will be attending (sign an agreement and send in a deposit). Just wanted to bring about another reason why those who are deferred definitely have a good chance to still wind up with an actual offer letter :-). BTW, that people turn down their offers says nothing about Elon’s excellent program, but simply has to do with what other options those accepted EA happened to wind up with, and in the end might have preferred.</p>

<p>I got deferred (not MT program yet; just university). I really thought I’d just get accepted. They want to see my first semester grades…which are not as impressive as my other grades! My first semester is over now, so it’s too late to get them up…oh well. That sucks.</p>

<p>After gleaning tons of info from all you wonderfully generous souls, (aren’t musical theatre people the BEST in the world!!!), It’s time to stop stalking and say “Hello, my D.'s in the throes of auditions, my Christmas tree isn’t decorated yet, my stomach is in as many knots as last year’s tinsel AND I know you all know how I feel!!!” D. received EA acceptance to Elon yesterday. Whoo hooo!! and was on the “maybe” list for MT. Anyone have any idea how many maybes there were last year and how many of those ultimately were accepted? Will we live until March? D. is also in the “maybe” pile for Otterbein and hasn’t heard anything yet from CCM.D. LOVES Elon…we’re praying the feeling is mutual!</p>

<p>Congrat’s to those deferred!</p>

<p>I have only been in touch with a handfull of people over the past few audition cycles who were deferred, and of those, I’ve seen students ultimately rejected and ultimately accepted after a deferral. It seems to lean toward more getting in than not getting in. </p>

<p>We’ll be very hopeful for you!</p>