common app problem!!!

<p>Ok maybe I'm just being paranoid but on the common app supplements that I've already submitted, when I review them again and check the status page again, it shows a yellow box next to the college name, meaning that my files aren't complete anymore. Stanford, Yale, and Princeton had green arrows, signifying that they were done, but I'm looking at them right now and they have yellow boxes. Is anybody else getting this? I'm a QB applicant, so I don't know if this will affect me or not. The files are completely unchanged, so what's wrong?</p>

<p>I have the same problem. I applied to Fordham and Villanova. Everything about Fordham is fine, but Villanova app has the yellow box.
I assume that the applicaion was sent to college but officers didn’t download and review yet ? I will call the office tomorrow tho</p>

<p>Click on the school and look at the possible submission items below. If yours is like D’s, you will have green arrows beside items that are fully submitted. Problem schools (yellow squares) for us are BC & Harvard (whose payments are through a different service), WPI (no supplement needed), and BU (submitted yesterday). Looking at the breakdown may help you to feel comfortable.</p>

<p>Ignore the symbols, just pay attention to the words next to the symbols (if it says submitted or downloaded, you’re fine).</p>

<p>yeah, don’t worry about it. harvard, rochester, and hopkins all are yellow boxes for me just because it apparently takes forever to process payments.</p>

<p>alright, thanks. My schools are Princeton, Stanford, and Yale. I’ve been admitted to Princeton through Questbridge, but its status is still yellow (before it was green), so I was kind of worried.</p>

<p>smoda61 – you can check the status of the various components of your WPI app online via their website. I trust that much more than any symbols on the Common App site.</p>

<p>Had the same problem with my daughter’s app’s. and spoke to the Oberlin admissions people yesterday. They basically said that they don’t send info. back and forth to the Common App. letting them know when they’ve actually processed the application elements (the tone was actually more like “we do our business and they do theirs”). So, this kind of makes the Common App’s “Colorful Icons” a bit meaningless, doesnt’ it?</p>