Common App Question-- (how "demanding" is this schedule)

<p>I've taken during my 3 years: Bio, Chem, Physics, Physiology, Spanish (3 years), English (3 years), World History, AP US History, Honors Geometry, Honors Algebra 2/Trig, AP Calculus AB, PE (2 years), Art 1, Foods 1 (basically home ec).... </p>

<p>....and am currently taking AP Calc BC, AP ES, AP Bio, English 4, Psychology, and Econ/Gov</p>

<p>Moderately/Slightly Demanding</p>

<p>It’s relative to what else is offered at your HS. On the surface it seems very demanding. I disagree w/ Oriel’s assessment. Keep cranking away</p>

<p>Its relative to the HS you attend. Some HS have no AP classes and very few classes a day. Other schools have 10 classes a day with 30 AP classes. This would allow the student at the latter school to have many AP classes and appear to have a demanding schedule, yet may have only taken 10 of the 30 (this is an exaggeration) while others have taken more. Everything is relative.</p>