Common App Supplement forms

<p>I'm applying to some schools that use the common app, and have their own supplement forms. But it says that the college requires the supplement to be submitted first before you can submit the application. So does that mean we can't submit the common app first, then their supplement?</p>

<p>Another more specific case I'm wondering about is regarding the Art Supplement form (for U. Chicago EA). On the commonapp site, it says "This institution requires that you submit the following before you can submit your application: Art Supplement." I am quite sure that the required art teacher rec (for this Art Supplement form) will be postmarked on or after Nov. 1st, but I need to submit the my application by Nov. 1st. So does that mean I won't be able to submit my application on time due to Art Supplement form problem?</p>

<p>Bump 10char</p>

<p>We’re also encountering this problem. My son plans to submit the supplement on paper, so it makes no sense for the common app to say that it has to be submitted before the application can be submitted. This has to be some kind of glitch.</p>


<p>“Additionally, if you submit your application electronically, you must submit your supplement electronically as well. It cannot be printed and mailed.”</p>

<p>[Support</a> Center](<a href=“]Support”></p>

<p>Doesn’t that apply to the college’s supplement–not the Art Supplement?</p>

<p>Yes, Hunt, but I only have seen colleges require their college-specific supplements to be submitted before the Common App. I don’t have any experience that art supplements must also be submitted online before the Common App.</p>

<p>I don’t either–but that’s message that came up yesterday for several schools when we tried to submit the application.</p>

<p>Definitely a glitch then. I would get in touch with Common App.</p>

<p>I put in a ticket, and now the submissions went through. I don’t know if they changed anything, or if it just worked this time for whatever reason.</p>

<p>Congrats :)</p>

<p>so i did a bunch of colleges and i got the green arrow in the my colleges section…however when i went back to view my supplements that had been downloaded by the university and went back to my colleges…the green arrow turned to a yellow square for the supplement component of the common app. i know i submitted my stuff and im pretty certain the colleges have everything…just wondering if anyone knows how to turn it back to a green arrow…</p>

<p>i know its kinda of a dumb thing but anyone know a solution??</p>

<p>im having the same problem- hunt: how long after you submitted a ticket did the application work?</p>

<p>I figured it out! For those of you that plan to submit your arts supplement via mail, but your college seems to require you to submit it via internet before being able to send the common app, you must go to the “Future Plans” section of your common app (this can be found in the toolbar on the left side of the webpage). Then scroll to the Arts Supplement section and click the bubble furthest to the right that says “Yes, but i will be submitting it via mail.” Then you will be able to submit your common app online without the hindrance of an online arts supplement. Hope that Helps!</p>

high school senior</p>

<p>Good job, Caraz28!</p>

<p>I checked the box saying that I would submit an arts supplement, but I’ve changed my mind…how do I get myself out of it on the website? I keep unchecking the box, but it won’t work! I don’t want to submit my application with an unfinished arts supplement when I don’t even want it there, so if anybody knows how to fix this, I would be very grateful!</p>

<p>After you unchecked it, did you press save?</p>

<p>Did you already submit the Common App to one school? If so, you can’t change it without generating an entirely new version for the other colleges. There are other threads here explaining how to do that.</p>

<p>As for our problem with the Arts Supplement, the problem resolved within an hour or two after putting in the ticket, so I don’t know if they changed anything or not.</p>