Common Rooms in Court-Kay-Baur and Mews Suites?

<p>CKB and Mews are organized into suites. Each suite has like 2 doubles and 1 single right? Is there a common room in the suite? Does anyone have any pictures of the inside of these suites?</p>

<p>I live in Low Rise 7, so I have a fairly limited knowledge of CKB and Mews, but I’ve been there once, so this is what I know.</p>

<p>There aren’t really isolated suites. The way it works is, first, you have the hallway. This hallway has several alcove-like regions on either side. This is a suite. The suite shares one bathroom, with a toilet, two sinks, and a bath/shower. Down each hallway, there’s a common room with a TV attached to a kitchen. There’s also a study lounge at the end of the hall. There’s either one or two of these study lounges and/or common rooms down each hall, I didn’t explore enough.</p>

<p>I live in Bauer.</p>

<p>that is exactly it.</p>

<p>It’s not suites like apartment style suites, but there is a long hallway with cut-out alcoves with 2 doubles and 1 single that share a bathroom.</p>

<p>Two study lounges on each floor, unless you live on the 4th floor, and then your TV lounge is sacrificed for our very very large 3rd floor TV lounge :)</p>

<p>You get the suite style feeling without the isolation.</p>