Commonapp Essay Topic?

I wrote an essay to answer the 1st commonapp essay prompt, but I’m suddenly starting to wonder if the topic that I’ve chosen is even relevant to the prompt. I wrote about my cultural (indian) background and how moving to India from the USA a few years ago has taught me many valuable lessons and has helped me to embrace my heritage and incorporate it into the person that I am. I also wrote about how American culture has influenced me, and how being able to experience both of those cultures has given me a very unique perspective.

I’m pretty much done writing it- I just have to make a few tweaks, but I just started to wonder if this is what they’re even asking for? I only have a few more days till the deadline for submission so I’m starting to freak out a little. Do you think my topic is ok?

I think it answers the question, but that topic has been done a lot. You’d have to really take care that you’re making the story specific to you and your life.

Do you think it might be better if I changed it to fit the prompt about failure? The first part of the essay centers around how I sort of failed to realize the importance of culture when I lived in the United States…I could just change it a little and talk a little more about that. Or would that not make a difference really?
I know its kind of a cliche topic but its kind of important to me and I do want to include it in my application.