Commonapp extracurricular

<p>Out of my extracurricular activities the one, that stands out for me is my sport, table tennis. My past nine years with table tennis have got me a lot more than just medallions, certificates, and awards. This sport taught me the significance of some of the most fundamental values in life- hard work, teamwork and leadership .I remember a match of the state team championship, my team was two matches down and one more loss would have resulted in team’s elimination, at that point I realized no matter how well ‘I’ play, and how fiercely I defeat my opponent, we are not going to win, unless we outperform them as a team. That’s what a team sport is all about, as a team member I don’t train day in and day out, just for my own sake but for the sake of my team. It is sport, which strings a diverse group of people together having nothing in common but a goal. My hard work and effort for the sport didn’t just culminate in making me an accomplished player but also made me an accomplished person.</p>

<p>bump… no one has an opinion.
Plzz hoping for any reply just ‘any’</p>

<p>Sounds good :)</p>

<p>Edit: I believe that only productive advice is good advice. However, since you expressed your willingness to settle for “any[thing]”, I posted the first thoughts that came to my mind.</p>

<p>Hoping for good reply from now on.Now may I demand a detailed analysis and explanation from u Tizil7 and every1 else</p>

<p>Adcoms don’t necessarily want to see a student do everything from sports to academics to volunteering to research work and what-not. They don’t want a well rounded student, they want a well rounded student BODY. When you express your passion for one thing and not a number of things you did just so they’ll look good on paper is what impresses the admission officers. I think you’re definitely on the right track.</p>