<p>i'm a senior and ready to apply college. i took a community college class in summer after freshmen and got a "B". Then I took the AP test for the same subject during my junior year and got a "5". I dont want to get the transcript from the community college and send in with my application. When I fill out the college application, can I just send in my AP score directly for this subject with a score of "5". I mean I report the AP score in the application.
But the college application ask whether you have taken any college classes.
any comments</p>
<p>Um yeah, you have to report the score . It's freshamn year anyways, so who cares.</p>
<p>Send in a note if you really care about it that much. AP score and grades are not the same thing anyways.</p>
<p>I don't see why a B in a college class after freshman year would break your application or be a cause for lying. Especially since you got a 5 shows that you know the material and that it was hard to get a B.</p>
<p>No...i mean should I report both. I prefer report AP score and forget getting transcript from junior college. IT is not about the grade.</p>
<p>It seems like lying...but i dont want to pay extra money for transcript.
I get higher score for AP anyway. The only problem is the application asks me whether i have taken any college class. I attempt to put "NO" and put my AP score. 10 schools cause me at least $80. I can make good use for it.</p>
<p>unless the school waive my application fee, which i doubt..So...i guess NO college class and save my $8 transcript fee. That is 10% for the applicatoin fee of $80. I'm cheap!!</p>
<p>Think about it $80..i can use the money for the senior AP exam fee for one class...hey..everything adds up....life is not easy. It costs too much nowadays.</p>
Think about it $80..i can use the money for the senior AP exam fee for one class...hey..everything adds up....life is not easy. It costs too much nowadays.
Good rationalizations for doing what you know is wrong. You yourself put in the 1st post "But the college application ask whether you have taken any college classes." So you know the answer, you just want it to be something else. </p>
<p>You're welcome to try it, but realize that if for some reason they find out you lied (maybe it will be on your official HS transcript, maybe the state has computerized the list of students at the CC and the college checks, and so on) that you will be rejected if they find out while you're an applicant and probably kicked out if you're an enrolled student. Since official transcripts come during the summer after you've accepted one college and declined the others, then your only college option will be back to the CC. It's up to you to decide if it's a risk you're willing to take.</p>
<p>what's the difference between a "community college class" and an actual "university course?" I've just finished taking a 2nd year undergrad course at a large public university, and I'm just wondering if there is any difference between the two types.</p>
<p>Maybe you can arrange to have the class somehow put on your regular school transcript. There may be options other than lying. Ask your guidance counselor if something like this is possible. Also with school transcripts, sometimes they say the first x amount (3 or whatever) are free. Maybe the college or wherever you took this class will have a similar deal and it won't be full price for all of them. And if it's truly a financial hardship they may have other fee waivers.</p>
<p>I called one school. The school guidance counselor said if you use the AP exam score, then you do not need the junior college or community college listed. But if i list, then i have to submit the transcript. I will get accepted, but consider incomplete until transcript submitted. The guidance counselor said it depends whether the college class is listed in the high school transcript.</p>
<p>I mean if i take a fun class like art or singing in spring term in JC before freshmen year, why would I send in transcript, as this is for fun. Just dont want to waste money.</p>
<p>i called again...its the same school. It is not consider lying. As this is not dual enrollment. Dual enrollment is taking high school class and community class at the same time and expect to get college credit. Since AP score already covers the credit by examination, then it is a duplicate to use the junior college class to transfer and the grade is not listed in high school transcript either.</p>
<p>However, i dont know how's the other 9 schools that i will apply ..and what do they think.</p>