community college credit

<p>i wanted to take classes during the summer at a community college back home.</p>

<p>how would i go about doing this?</p>

<p>Just register and take those classes.</p>

<p>Assuming the school is in California, you can use to figure out which courses can be transferred as CC credit to your UC transcript. Just make sure you send the CC transcript to Undergrad Office when you’re done with the course or courses.</p>

<p>what about taking prereqs for majors?
is that alright?</p>

<p>Check with Berkeley, just in case. I don’t see why you should not take any classes you want.</p>

<p>R1B classes can be fulfilled too correct?</p>

<p>[ASSIST</a> Prompt Page](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST)</p>

<p>change the CC from Mt. SAC to which ever is appropriate:</p>

<p>look below to the For General Education/Breadth drop box and select General Education/Breadth</p>

<p>it should have all your RNA and RNB information</p>

<p>well, i’m pre-med and a IB and psych double major.
i was planning to take math 16b and chem 3b/3bl at a community college back home.
is this a good idea? or does it “look bad?”</p>

<p>you are allowed to take 3A/L and 3B/L in CC during summer/</p>

<p>At most CCs, I believe there is only one intro calc series. It would generally equal 1A-B, so going 16A to 1B-equivalent may be slightly ackward, though it will be CC and therefore easier.</p>

<p>you should definitely take all your science courses at Berkeley if you’re doing pre-med</p>

<p>^not necessarily true suigenL. Plenty of transfers who take pre-med reqs at CC get into medical school.</p>

<p>serephiqueumore, you said you are IB/Psych, go talk to Nancy Finkle, the IB undergraduate advisor in 2033 VLSB. She will be able to give the advice you need</p>

<p>Oh… I see. But I thought it was at least highly recommended? If so, shouldn’t you go along with it if you can? :)</p>

<p>I don’t know if taking Chem 3B at CC will hurt you for MCB 102, but assuming it doesn’t and an adviser gives you the thumbs up there should be no significant problems associated.</p>