<p>If i were to take a community college class next semester, would Georgetown accept it?</p>
<p>You need to talk to the deans to know this for sure because it depends partially on the school and the class.</p>
<p>how would i go about contacting the school of foreign service to see if an intro to philosophy class at a community college would give me credit?</p>
<p>I can’t give you any specific advice, but just keep in mind that Georgetown will be cryptic and give you no answers; for example, they’ll probably just say “the registrar reviews all cases individually” or some other equally unhelpful answer. </p>
<p>Also, Georgetown is very picky about which credits it accepts. The SFS especially is picky and I don’t know an exact answer, but they probably will not accept the CC’s philosophy class.</p>
<p>The registrar is not in the loop on this, the decision is up to deans and department chairs. I also doubt a gen-ed class would transfer, but you might as well try. Email one (or more) of the freshman deans (you can find their emails on the website) for more information, and be sure to attach the class’ syllabus and course description in the mail.</p>