Community College Transfer

I know its possible to transfer credits to UVA from NOVA or other community colleges.
Is the transfer process tedious? Are admissions selective?
How about transferring from community college to UVA?
Are the credits one to one?

If I’m admitted to UVA. can I take classes at a community college?
If this is possible, which tuition do I pay?

I need to care for my mother but also want a good education.

Transfer credits to UVa would be dependent on the articulation agreement between NOVA and UVa. Here’s the website I found through Google that lists transfer equivalencies:

I think you said you are planning to be a comp sci major - in that case, a CC may not necessarily offer the range and level of first and second year CS courses that UVa or another 4 -year college would offer. So that may mean you end up spending more than 2 years after transfer; many CS courses are sequential and cannot be taken concurrently.

Are you in proximity to George Mason University? That is something to consider, if UVa is not doable.