Community Service Awards

<p>I am a junior this year and I am very active in Community Service. A college admissions officer at Harvard told me that in order to be a strong applicant you must be nationally recognized in the activity you are passionate about. Are there any Awards/Scholarships awarded to students who are involved in Community Service? Can you list them?</p>

<p>theres that congressionl award program</p>

<p>you have to get 400 hrs of service, 200 hrs in persoanl development, 200 hrs in physical fitness, and take a 2day exploration/expedition that you plan
I did this and got the gold, silver, abd bronze medals from congress</p>

<p>I think you have to have an accredited advisor at your school though, but im not sure
its kinda late to start junior year to get the higer medals but its not impossible</p>

<p><a href=ā€œā€></a></p>

<p>Prudential Spirit of Community Awards</p>