commuting to berkeley?

<p>I lived in the dorms during my freshman year, but I'm a little unsure about what I'm going to be doing next year. I'm currently in the process of looking for roommates/apartments, but I'm also considering commuting from my house which is 30 minutes away from berkeley by BART. I'd appreciate some advice from people here, preferably from those who commute themselves.. thanks :D</p>

<p>I think 30-min commuting is okay, and living at home could save u a lot $$$.</p>

<p>WOW! I commute from an hour away and it works for me. Although i’m less productive at home because of so many distractions. 30 minutes is definitely doable! Definitely.</p>

<p>I live 1.5-2 miles from campus and it takes me 30 minutes to walk to Barrows Hall. 30 minute commute?</p>

<p>if it’s 30 minutes by bart, then it’ll take at least 40-50 minutes total factoring wait time and the time it takes to get to ur classes, so you’ll have to take that into consideration.
but, yea, it’s doable. I had a 1.5 hour commute last semester and I was still able to squeeze in a part time job.</p>

<p>it’s possible, but keep in mind that it can become a drag on your schedule. I have a friend who’s been commuting by BART to berkeley every day, and she’s now considering getting a place in berkeley. It’s an hour of your day every day wasted ('cause c’mon, how much work are you actually going to do on the BART?), it can be a drag having to march the hill all the way from the BART station, and it’s VERY inconvenient with respect to group projects and such (b/c then you have to BART all the way back to berkeley to do group stuff). It also tends to limit your class schedule as well because you end up having to get up extra early every morning and schedule your classes so that you can get off earlier back home (to avoid commuting back late at night).</p>