Compare AP to SAT II...

<p>Just the title. I've taken some SAT Subject Tests recently and was wondering how similar they are to there AP counterparts.</p>

<p>APs are supposed to be a lot harder than SAT IIs.</p>

<p>Yeah, AP’s are harder. Expect about a 700 on an SAT II to be about a 4 on the AP Exam.</p>

<p>As far as history goes, AP tends to favor trends and concepts whereas SAT is based much more on fact recollection. SAT asks “what” and “how” whereas AP will ask “why” and “so what?”</p>

<p>As for science (though I’ve only taken Chem), the multiple choice SAT II is fairly comparable to AP. I’d actually say AP multiple choice is a little easier, since you have the hard True/False chem questions. For Physics and Bio, I couldn’t say.</p>

<p>AP gives you college credit, SATII is for college admission.</p>

<p>just thought I’d throw that out there.</p>

<p>^Some colleges will let you place out of languages and/or writing classes with SAT IIs. It may be possible for other classes to, these are just the ones I’ve noticed.</p>