Completely incorrect transcript

Hello all, as y’all know I’m applying to BS. I finally got to see a copy of my transcript and learned it was literally just… so wrong.

For one, at my old school, I took what were designated as “Advanced” math courses. On my current transcript, they are shown as “Academic” courses, or the low level. I had a 108% in Algebra 2 first semester last year and it’s just an A on my transcript, not an A+.

My first semester (last year) Theatre Arts 1 grade is an A. I had an A+ in that course. 100%.

I transferred schools a week before the first semester ended and none of my teachers assigned me any work, so I had no other grades inputted.

What should I do? My guidance counselor has already submitted my transcript to 3 schools. I feel like I’m being screwed over because I didn’t work for an A, I earned an A+. I know it’s small but I mean they literally put my grades on incorrectly and put the wrong level down. What should I do? Should I speak to them first and then have my dad talk to them? I’m so angry.

I would ask the old school for the transcript directly. As a kid who moved a lot growing up, I can vouch for this being a common problem. The new school makes decisions about what the old courses were so that they “fit” into their mold. This is particularly difficult when a school ranks its students.

Fwiw, I don’t think the transcription errors will have an impact, so while getting the original from the old school will help, I don’t think this will hurt your chances.

Not necessarily. If your new school does not have an A+ on its grading scale, there should be no expectation that transfer students would show an A+ on the new school’s transcript. It’s standard practice that grades are converted to the new school’s scale. The mislabeling of classes is more problematic, but not critically so. As mentioned, send copies of your old school’s transcript. But really, this is not something that is going to impact your application or the decision.

@skieurope It does have A+, I earned an A+ in Spanish the second semester. It counts as a 4.3 unweighted. I know it’s small but just incredibly frustrating.

@gardenstategal I’ll call my old school and see if I can request my transcript. Would they still have it if I transferred?

I am glad it doesn’t really affect my chances at admission. The schools will see I attended another school for the first semester (since I put it on my profile) so I hope they understand.

They probably do. If not, your new school will probably have it in your file.


Thanks for the clarification.

Thank you both! I’ll make sure to call my old school and see but also to not worry about it too much lol

Alright I’ve got my transcript from my old school, I’ll have my current school send mine as normal then I’ll fax/mail my old school’s!

Our middle school transcripts only showed letter grades, no “+” or “-” signs. Our girl had straight A+ marks, but they showed us as plain vanilla As. It did not affect her admissions results.

@CaliMex I was just peeved, idk. The A+ thing isn’t the biggest deal for me but the fact my courses were labelled incorrectly really tickled me.

Not to be pedantic, but I think “tickled” is not word you want.

@skieurope I meant ticked off lol my brain doesn’t work sometimes