<p>I'm a senior and applying to college this fall, and I haven't a clue as to which colleges to look at, much less apply to. </p>
<p>I'm an Asian female from Georgia. My grades are decent (around a 3.8 unweighted I think?). SAT score is 780 CR, 770 math, 780 writing. I haven't taken any SAT2s yet, but I'm planning to do so very soon. AP scores are still pending, so I haven't the foggiest about those. I have 6 APs under my belt.
I've got a couple leadership positions and a few hundred hours of volunteer service. </p>
<p>I'm not so good at math and science. Politics/government is kind of my style, and I suppose writing is not bad.
I like learning foreign languages.
A good study-abroad program would be nice.
I love debate, so a school with a good debate program would be great.
I fence. It would be nice if the school had a fencing team, but if it doesn't, it's not a deal-breaker.</p>
<p>I'd like a fairly large school in an urban-ish setting. Suburbia would bore me.
I don't want to go to a "party school". I would prefer for Greek life not to be prevalent on campus.
I'm not fond of liberal arts colleges.
It would be nice if the school did care about the students.</p>
<p>I want to go to a school that is intellectual without being cutthroat, a place where students learn for curiosity's sake. At my high school, everything just becomes a resume-booster. While school should be competitive and I have no problem keeping up with a highly-motivated, brilliant student body, I don't want the learning atmosphere to be cutthroat.
I don't imagine that I would be able to decide on a major very easily, even during the first few years of college, so I want college to be a time to explore my interests and to feed my curiosity for different subjects (that doesn't include science though haha). Although I'm not looking for an eclectic college per se, I'm imagining a school somewhat notorious for, how should I put it, randomness? and intellectual curiosity.</p>
<p>I hope I don't sound too picky (who knows, the school I'm describing may just be a dream), but I hope you guys can come up with some suggestions for me. Thank you so much!</p>