Computer Science major, which college

If a student decides to major in computer science, does the student apply to the College of Engineering? If so, is it just as difficult getting into the Engineering College as a Computer Science major as it is for an Engineering major student, in terms of SAT scores and GPA?

What is the average SAT and GPA admit score for a Computer Science major? Which SAT subject tests should a student submit as a Computer Science major?


My son got into VT
computer science OOS with a 4.0 and 1320 SAT. He was denied at Clemson and deferred at a UGA early decision.

Did your son apply to the VT Engineering School or is there a school for Computer Science? Was his GPA weighted or unweighted as a 4.0? Did he submit SAT subject tests? Does your son attend VT? Does he like the CS program?

Computer science yes you apply to engineering

Probably normally need about 4.2 weighted and 1400 SAT to feel confidence in most likely getting into engineering.

He applied to the engineering school. 4.0 unweighted, 6 AP classes. His essays were really good which probably made up for the 1320. Since they do holistic reviews, they do read them.

When applying to Virginia Tech for Computer Science, you apply to the College of Engineering and state CS as your preferred major. Admission is to General Engineering in the freshman year and only in the 2nd year do you declare CS as a major. I believe that in most cases if you maintain a minimum GPA in your freshman year you will get your preferred major.

Would a 3.5 unweighted and 4.0 weighted with 1430 SAT OOS be enough?
Many ap’s and honors classes resulting in a tough course load and great ecs and good essays

It is no the low side for Engineering department. I would ask your guidance councilor regarding average admissions to your school.