computer science major?

<p>how hard it is to be accepted as a computer science major in uci? i got accepted into ucsb but still waiting for a reply for uci. uci is my first choice but if i get rejected im going to ucsb. what are my chances? and are they still sending out acceptances for comp sci majors or just rejections now?</p>

<p>here are my stats:
gpa: 3.92 (weighted)
SAT I:1790 (yea... its sorta low...)
SAT II: u.s. history: 540 chem: 610 math: 650</p>

<p>i got in for computer science without that great of stats</p>

<p>GPA (unweighted) 3.81
SAT: 1830
SAT II: Math:640 Bio: 600
Good Ec’s and good essays</p>

<p>so i guess just wait…</p>

<p>thx for ur input :slight_smile:
its really making me nervous since i still havent heard back and some ppl i heard got into ucsd and ucla, but got rejected at uci?? so weird…</p>