<p>I am a new jersey resident but I currently live in California. I was accepted to both San Jose State University and New Jersey Institute of Technology for computer science. Academics, opportunities and money are all issues for me. SJSU is in the silicon valley which would mean better out of school opportunities although if I go to NJIT I do plan on moving back to California after I graduate. In terms of academics I think both schools are average. In terms of money NJIT would cost me $26500 for my last two years versus $33500. If I went to NJIT I would also get grants which would reduce my tuition by even more.</p>
<p>Any thoughts?</p>
<p>New York City’s becoming the next Silicon Valley quite rapidly, so don’t assume you <em>have</em> to live in California.</p>
<p>I do not like NYC, it’s not so much that i have to live in California but more so that i want to. Anyone else?</p>
<p>I’m just saying, people always think “Oh, Silicon Valley!”, to which I reply, “Yeah, Silicon Valley East.”</p>
<p>SJSU is highly regarded in Silicon Valley and most companies recruit heavily there. Many companies have collaborative research relationsips with the Engineering and Computer Science departments at SJSU providing opportunities for internships. If you want to work in CS in Silicon Valley probably only degrees from Stanford and UC Berkeley would give you a bigger edge than graduating from SJSU.</p>
<p>I know this shouldn’t be a factor, but the SJSU CS dept’s [url="<a href=“http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/“]website[/url”>http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/"]website[/url</a>] is atrocious in comparison to [url=”<a href="http://cs.njit.edu/“]NJIT’s[/url”>http://cs.njit.edu/"]NJIT’s[/url</a>]. Just wow.</p>