<p>International student applications more than tripled, skyrocketing from last year’s 104 to this year’s 391. DailyPennsylvanian </p>
<p>According to the Geographic Distribution Chart of the Class of 2008 on the University of Pennsylvania website, the total numbers of International students in the class of 2008 is 335 (<a href=“http://www.admissionsug.upenn.edu/applying/profile.php[/url]”>http://www.admissionsug.upenn.edu/applying/profile.php</a>). Obviously, the number of applicants from last year (104) does not correspond with the number of enrolled international freshmen (335). Even if Canadian applicants (35 in class of 2008) are not counted as international applicants, this still leaves 194 extra international enrollments in the class of 2008. </p>
<p>If the number of international applicants (391) reported on DP for the class of 2009 is correct. The projected admission rate for international students this year will be 85.68% (335/391). </p>
<p>I am not familiar with the international admission process, but the numbers reported by the DailyPennsylvanian seems to be inaccurate. If anyone has additional insights or information, please share with the board.</p>