Conditional Acceptance?

<p>does Cornell accept students conditionally (or does any US college, for that matter, do this)?
does this apply to early decision applicants?
and if so, what would an example of a conditional acceptance be?</p>

<p>What do you mean by “conditional”? Sure, if you slack off during senior year and get very bad grades, they can rescind your acceptance.</p>

<p>They don’t give direct conditions such as minimum grades; however, if you have a terrible senior year, they have the right to withdraw your acceptance and give it to someone on the waitlist.</p>

<p>what if you were to get all A’s, 1 B, and 1 C?</p>

<p>you’re fine, assuming you already got in.</p>

<p>@ mickjagger </p>

<p>Probably wouldn’t change anything. Remember that no school wants to rescind your admission – it’s just that they retain the right to do so.</p>

<p>there is at least 1 conditional acceptance that i know of…and it’s mostly to H/EOP students: </p>

<p>successfully complete pre-freshman summer program in order to gain admittance to the university.</p>

<p>as long as you dont legit fail out of school (1 B is not failing…and neither is 1 C), murder someone, or commit an equally serious crime, then you wont be rescinded.</p>

<p>In many European schools they will wait for an applicant’s final IB scores or their finals to decide if they are in or not. If minimum required total IB score is 40, then 39 would be an automatic reject. It is not the case with American schools. That being said, if your GPA drops significantly senior spring semester, then you maybe asked to explain yourself. UC schools tend to be more strict. I remember this past Aug there were a lot of accepted students at UC been rescinded for one or two Ds.</p>