Condolences & Support - God Bless VT

<p>my prayers are with the families, especially those poor parents who lost their kids
- Florida International University</p>

<p>My sincerest condolences to the victims, their families and friends. Thoughts and prayers for all of you.</p>

<p>welshy--a rather crass and immature remark. You need to grow up</p>

<p>FSU has a posting of support for VT and families on their main webpage.</p>

<p>Personally, from me and my family our thoughts and prayers go out for the students, parents and faculty of VT. Our hearts ache with you over your loss.</p>

<p>Our hearts are heavy but, we are proud, we are strong and we are HOKIE NATION.</p>

<p>I thought Nikki Giovanni's poem was amazing; I hope it is posted on VT's site soon. The standing audience cheering at the end of the Convocation had me completely in tears.</p>

<p>^^^^^^ agreed- same thing here in South Jersey- very moving</p>

<p>does anyone have a link to the giovanni poem?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>actually, looking for the particular poem she read at the convocation, or some video. looked on youtube--nothing yet. it would be great to hear from her right about now.</p>

<p>my korean heart is breaking for the troubled boy and his victims.</p>

<p>May God Bless the Virginia Tech.., I feel Very Sorry..... I send out my sincere prayer.. that victims may rest in peace</p>

<p>My thoughts and prayers are with the entire VT community and especially the families and friends of the victims.
from a Grinnell Mom</p>

<p>Our sincerest condolescence in your tragedy</p>

<p>My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected. Please accept my condolesnces and may God help you get through these difficult times. Amen.</p>

<p>My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected. Please accept my condolesnces and may God help you get through these difficult times. </p>

<p>From a mother of future Notre Dame student.</p>

<p>Peace be with you at VT. May our prayers give you some comfort at this tragic time.</p>

<p>The entire VT community is in my thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to all who were directly affected.</p>

<p>May the peace of God be with the members of the VT community as well as with every parent who sends their kids off to college.</p>

<p>Prayers and condolances from the Westover community.</p>

<p>Words cannot express our sorrow....</p>
