Condolences & Support - God Bless VT

<p>Deepest sympathies to the families, friends and entire VT community.</p>


<p>My deepest sorrows for all of you and I'm praying for all the people who got affected by this trajedy.

<p>My deepest condolences from FL. I cannot even imagine such a tragedy.</p>

<p>I found the audio of Giovanni's poem, if anyone is still looking. It is excellent.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also, VT has a website they are constantly updating. They have a video of convocation there as well.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>My heart was broken. Tears, tears and tears when I watched those young wonderful faces on TV. Thinking of the families and friends who were directly affected. My prayers are with you.</p>

<p>i cant believe something like this happened ;(</p>

<p>my deep condolences.</p>

<p>btw this is so dumb from this site
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>"Do you have pictures from the scene? E-mail them to: <a href=""></a>"</p>

<p>So deeply sorry, for the incredible loss of your children, your friends, your professors, your fellow travelers on the VPI campus. </p>

<p>Life is so precious - love as much as you can, and follow your heart. By cherishing the memories of those cut down so cruelly, you will embody a living testament to them.</p>

<p>Thoughts and prayers are with the entire VT community at this time of unspeakable tragedy. Parent of a college senior. Swarthmore</p>

<p>We are praying for everyone at Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>You are in our hearts this evening...</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>CA, UC Berkeley</p>

<p>May love bring you comfort
May time bring you peace
and may you always live well, laugh often and love much</p>

<p>-from a UCD mom</p>

<p>My most sorrowful and sincere condolences to the students, faculty and parents and relatives of all who lost their lives in this utterly depraved shooting. On behalf of assorted people down here in Singapore, we denounce this incredibly despicable act by Cho Seung-Hui. Though I am not a South Korean, I am a Chinese and this act sickens me to the stomach. May God be with all of you in this difficult time.</p>


<p>Professor Librescu, who died while shielding his classroom door so students could escape, was a holocaust survivor. </p>

<p>This is beyond comprehension. I am so deeply sorry for the entire VT community.</p>

<p>CMU dad</p>

<p>My most sincerely condolences</p>

<p>Sheng Tommy Liang - Westmount high, Montreal</p>

<p>I would like to extend my deepest condolences to all those affected by this horrible tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Know that my entire school prayed for you as one this morning, as did many schools across the nation and around the world. I can only hope that together we can offer whatever comfort we can to help begin the healing process.</p>

<p><em>hugs to all</em></p>

<p>This picture says a lot :(
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I want to add my condolences to the families and friends of the victims of this senseless and horrible act.</p>

<p>Virginia Tech has shown itself in these past days to be a strong and vibrant community, and no act of violence will ever be able to destroy that.</p>

<p>That is a very nice picture Scooter. Thank you for the link.</p>

<p>Our condolences go out to the families suffering losses in the tragedy at VT...</p>

<p>Brooklyn, NY</p>

<p>I am incredibly sorry for the pain and grief being experienced at Virginia Tech and in the homes of the deceased. This tragedy is absolutely sickening, and my heart goes out to all of those who are suffering.</p>

<p>On the one hand I've been avoiding this thread because whenever I think about it I just start crying, but on the other I feel this incredible urge to add my heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those innocents who perished. </p>

<p>My heart aches... no one should ever have to bury a child.... may these innocent children and the brave adults who died trying to protect them rest in peace. </p>

<p>God full of mercy who dwells on high
Grant perfect rest on the wings of Your Divine Presence
In the lofty heights of the holy and pure
who shine as the brightness of the heavens
to the souls of those lost at Virginia Tech
Who have gone to their eternal rest
as all their family and friends
pray for the elevation of their souls.
Their resting place shall be in the Garden of Eden.
Therefore, the Master of mercy will care for them
under the protection of His wings for all time
And bind their souls in the bond of everlasting life.
God is their inheritance and they will rest in peace.

<p>--Tufts and BU mom</p>