Condolences & Support - God Bless VT

<p>My thoughts and condolences are with those in the VT community.</p>

<p>Condolences to all those affected by the shootings.</p>

<p>This is something no parent should have to face. My thoughts and condolences go out to the affected families and the students and faculty at VA Tech.</p>

<p>Our prayers are with you. Stay strong.</p>

<p>~Boston University</p>

<p>My deepest sympathies and prayers to the families, friends and all students and administration at VT impacted by this devastating tragedy.</p>

<p>Prayers for comfort, healing and peace for the VT family.</p>

<p>My thoughts and best wishes for the entire VT community, and especially to the friends and families of the victims. Once again, it's a reminder to us all of our vulnerability.</p>

<p>Since I have no words, here are silent actions
<em>slight bow</em>
-Liz, New York University</p>

<p>Prayers from Notre Dame parents and alumni.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Grieving for all of you students, families & friends...
A Caltech mom</p>

<p>My deepest and sincerest condolences go out to all those at VT whose lives have been ripped apart by this horrendus tragedy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you......</p>

<p>Kristian- University of Texas at Dallas</p>

<p>My heartfelt condolences to all those victims and their families of this appaling tragedy. God Bless you all..</p>

<p>Mrijan - Kathmandu, Nepal.</p>

<p>I am from Perth, Australia. To all the secondary victims ie families, eye witnesses and anyone else who is significantly affected please be strong. My family along with millions of others around the world express our deepest condolences to you all.</p>

<p>Peace and comfort to everyone as we mourn this tremendous loss.</p>


<p>Our most deepest condolences,</p>


<p>University of Virginia has declared today *National Orange and Maroon Day * which are VT's colors, in honor of the slain students. College students across America are being asked to support this.</p>

<p>To the victims, their families and friends, and the entire VT community: our thoughts and prayers are with you.</p>

<p>Parents of Syracuse '06, Cornell '10</p>

<p>The world is unfair.</p>

<p>We are all Hokies.</p>

<p>merblajam (VT '78)</p>

<p>Amen, merblajam. Our hearts break with yours.</p>

<p>From a NoVa family</p>