Condolences & Support - God Bless VT

<p>To all in the Virginia Tech community: our very deepest condolences from the northeast. We are all praying for you, especially the for the victims and their families. Please know we are all with you.</p>

<p>Dear cubanmom,if you will go to the virgiatech site they have a in memoriam apge with some of the names. the tv stations also have a list with the names on it or any of the local staions may have a list. my prayers are with you and the entire vtech community.</p>

<p>To all family and friends of VT Please accept mine and my family's deepest condolences on this tragic event that effects the whole world. I am so deeply sorry that this has happened and we pray for the healing of all wounds both phsical and emotional. I am a parent of one who was mentally ill and violent,he lost his battle 5 years ago. i am still in anguish and know and understand what you are going thru and the long journey you will each make in recovering. I have been pretty much froze in place since the news broke wishing i could reach out and hold hug and comfort each one of you parents students faculty and friends,but this is the best i can do. Please hold onto your loved ones and do not let this event hold you back from living and succeeding in life but take it as a challenge to survive and learn from it and in that you may be the source of inspiration to change things so that this may never happen again anywhere. God Bless and keep you all, in love, tears and prayers slickrock1964 and family</p>

<p>My deepest condolences to all the students, faculty, and families of the victims at Virginia Tech. I know words might not do much, but I'm praying for you all. Although I do wish there was justice for the shooter, it's better now that it's over for everyone to mourn and heal together, so they can all move on.</p>

<p>we are all praying for you, stay strong VT</p>

<p>My deepest condolences to the victims, their family, Cho, his family, and the VT community. It is a horrible situation, and we are keeping you all in our prayers. Mere words cannot express the extent of the horror, the anger, the pain, the sympathy, and even the fear that we all felt with you. I wish there wer some magic words to make all this go away, but there aren't. Know that with resolve and love of those around you, that you can get through this trying time. VT will shoulder on, and will be even greater in their memory. May God bless all of you who are hurting due to this senseless act.</p>

<p>Words can not express my sadness at this tragedy. To my many, many friends at tech (everybody in Virginia knows dozens of Hokies), I offer sympathy and encouragement from the depths of my soul. </p>

<p>To today's Hokies, I want to offer a special word of encouragement. Next Monday, classes will begin. It will be hard for you to return. It will be hard to step into that next class. You must summon that courage and character that are special to Virginia Tech to cross that threshold. Our hopes and prayers are with you. We need you. Now, more than ever.</p>

<p>To our dear friends in Admissions at Tech--</p>

<p>All this is beyond our ability to fathom. You all and the University family are in our thoughts and prayers. </p>

<p>University of Richmond Admission Staff</p>

<p>My deepest condolences to the victims, their families, and VT. Stay strong, our prayers are with you.</p>

<p>I wonder why do bad things happpen to good people and not the bad people. The devil.</p>

<p>"I wonder why do bad things happpen to good people and not the bad people."</p>

<p>It's so good people can get to a better place sooner.</p>

<p>Bless.. RIP.</p>

<p>You guys are all in my prayers</p>

<p>So believe that she (he) matters,
And believe that she (he) always will.
She (he) will always be with you,
She'll (he'll) be part of the days you've yet to fill.
She (he) will live in your bounty.
She (he) will live as you carry on your life.</p>

<p>Remember the victims and they good they were doing. They live forever in us. Thoughts and prayers with you now and forever more.</p>

<p>May the victims of this tragedy rest in peace.</p>

<p>many prayers for all of you at Virginia Tech</p>

<p>"The world is full of suffering, but it is also full of overcoming it."</p>

<p>Helen Keller</p>

<p>Words that the Virginia Tech community is living by right now. You are showing the world that the real story in this tragedy is the power of a remarkable community. Stay strong, Hokies!</p>

<p>My personal condolences. I wish for nothing but the best to everyone affected by this. Stay strong, keep your head up, and keep on truckin...</p>

<p>This is a truly sad event.No one hope for this to happen.Everyone is praying for the victims.</p>

<p>We are very sorry for your loss and offer our condolences
We hope that you will stay strong during all of this.
Our prayers are with you.</p>

<p>Cal Poly</p>