Condolences & Support - God Bless VT

<p>Everyone at VT, and all others connected to the community, you are all in my prayers.</p>

<li>Pepperdine University</li>

<p>Praying for all involved. </p>

<p>from Ohio and DD at BU</p>

<p>Its unbelieveable what transpired. Our thoughts and prayers are with you</p>

<p>-from California</p>

<p>VT is a great school wit im sure great people u all r in my thoughts and I give my condolences to the family and friends of the dead and injured especially but to the community also b/c u all r affected in someway or another...</p>

<p>from Long Island, north shore</p>

<p>My sorrow and prayers go to the students, community, victims, and parents of Virginia Tech. We will remember today, April 16, 2007.</p>

<p>from Virginia</p>

<p>I am both shocked and saddened. My prayers and thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the victims and with the entire V-Tech community. </p>

<p>God bless.</p>

<p>I can not imagine what you are going through now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Mother of a McGill University Student
Relative of a Virginia Tech student</p>

<p>The impact of this tragedy upon the families of those Virginia Tech students killed and wounded cannot be overestimated. To suffer the death of a much-loved child in the prime of their formative years is beyond comprehension. </p>

<p>As parents of a son currently in college, my wife and I share in these families' sorrow, and wish them our condolescences, even while recognizing that it is only through the passage of time that the grief and suffering they must be experiencing at this terrible time can possibly be allayed. </p>

<p>--from Santa Cruz, California</p>

<p>RIP to those who did not survive this horrible tragedy, and condolences to those who have lost family members or friends. Best of luck to those injured, and thoughts and prayers (if you believe in them) to all those affected.</p>

<p>from Los Angeles</p>

<p>No words. Just tears and prayers.</p>

<p>May God be with you all.</p>

<p>-- New York and Pittsburgh</p>

<p>We are sorry for your losses. R.I.P</p>

<p>Rest in peace, VT.</p>

<p>Still in shock. Sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims.</p>

<p>Westport, CT</p>


<p>Melanie from MD</p>

<p>may the souls of those innocent but valiant knowledge seekers rest in peace...</p>

<p>Last week I toured U Texas Austin and the guide pointed out the bullet marks from the 1960's tower shooting. Now this. I cried when I saw the picture of the four policemen carrying the bleeding VT student out of a building. It's an image that will return every time I shut my eyes.</p>

<p>My heart goes out to all those suffering from this tragedy.</p>

<p>Dallas, TX</p>

<p>We live in a twisted world. This is such a dispicable act where the wholly innocent fell. Condolences to all.</p>

<p>My thoughts and prayers are will all those at VT and elsewhere who have been affected by this. No doubt all college students have been affected by this whether VT students or not. Condolences to all the familes who lost someone. </p>
