Condolences & Support - God Bless VT

<p>You're right welshy, since those people starve everyday, we shouldn't offer any support to these VT people...<em>sarcasm</em></p>

<p>I think it's hard to put into words exactly what is to be said. However, to the VT community, my condolences to all of you, and hopefully a safe return to the campus in the near future. </p>

<p>-Future Ithaca College Student from Upstate New York</p>

<p>Our prayers are with you, VT</p>

<p>-University of Notre Dame</p>

<p>My heart and prayer goes out to parents and family members who lost their sons/daughters, brothers and sisters, to parents and family members whose children or siblings were injuried from this tradegy, to the community of VT. </p>

<p>--from Illinois</p>

<p>Those killed shall be in my prayers an in my mind and heart. God Bless them.</p>

<p>My thoughts and prayers to those at VT. </p>

<p>-from Hawaii and future Rutgers University student.</p>

<p>There really are not any words or things I could say or do to change what happened, as much as I wish it otherwise. All of my prayers and condolences go out to the friends and family of the VT community- our state and the rest of the country is here for you in support. For the victims of this devastating tragedy, you will never be forgotten; rest in peace.</p>

<p>To everyone at VT and their families and friends and to anyone who is connected to them - I am truly sorry. I will be praying for you all tonight. I don't know what to say. God Bless.</p>

<li>Olivia, Palm Beach</li>

<p>I am fortunate enough that all of the kids I know at Tech are ok. Thoughts go out to the whole community. I just spent 30 minutes with about 1000 other students reflecting on the events of today, and there are more gatherings happening later tonight.</p>

<p>condolences, from William and Mary</p>

<p>My thoughts and prayers are with the VT community, especially the friends and family of those killed. You will be in my prayers. </p>

<p>-Terry, Duke University</p>

<p>VTech- students, staff, administration, profs and entire Blackburg community
the country mourns for what you have lost and suffered today</p>

<p>I hope that the families involve find the courage to deal with this tragedy. My heart goes out to all the families. </p>

<p>Tega, Columbia University</p>

<p>My prayers are with the grieving families who lost loved ones today. God bless you.</p>

<p>Condolences to the families and friends of the innocents who died in this tragedy...may their souls rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire extended VA Tech community.</p>

<p>My prayers and condolences for all the students at Virginia Tech and the families of those who died.</p>

<p>--from Oregon</p>

<p>This is a terrible, terrible thing. My prayers are with you and your families.</p>

<p>-Danny, UCLA</p>

<p>Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Virginia Tech and its community.</p>

<p>New Admitted Mom, UCIrvine</p>

<p>All of my thoughts and all of my prayers go out to you, Virginia Tech. I hope that God or whomever you believe in brings your community some peace.</p>

<p>-from Florida</p>

<p>My heart and thoughts are with you VT community.</p>

<p>Chris from TN, W&L bound next year</p>

<p>Condolences to those affected by today's happenings, I will keep you in my prayers.</p>

<p>Avant, Vanderbilt University</p>