Hello CC-
Here’s how my schedule for senior year looks like
AP Calc BC
AP Lit
AP Physics C
AP Gov/AP Macroecon
Honors Western Philosophy (UC Credit course)
Period 6:??
So with my period 6, I have a choice between 2 classes: AP Statistics and Humanities III (which is a class reserved for our Academic Decathlon team). Let me elaborate on my concerns/comments on each class.
AP Stats: has never been taught at my school before, but it will be taught by a teacher I had in 10th grade. I’m also considering statistics as a major, it just seems like fun to me.
Humanities III/ AcademicDecathlon: So I was on the academic team last year (one of the 3 on the A team), but I didn’t compete at the regional and state competitions because I was seriously ill. I was also the only junior on the team; everyone else was a senior. This year, the Academic Decathlon team is having a summer school class (which I cannot attend because of 2 summer programs and work) where they start going through all the materials. There are like 10-12 people in the class (9 seniors, 3 juniors) who I know will be on the A team (in which there are only 3 spots available); 12 people just in summer competing for 3 spots that are reading the materials 10 weeks before the school year even starts… it doesn’t seem like too good of a time investment to me. The Academic coach also writes stellar recommendation letters for STEM schools (the field I want to go into); she was my AP Chem teacher. Should I even join if my chances are going to be slim for getting into one of those 3 spots?? Fyi, I can only play on the A team because of my GPA.