Confused about Move-In Dates

<p>On my residence hall portal, it says my move-in date is August 28th.</p>

<p>On the move-in dates, though, it says move-in is August 30th-31st.</p>

<p>I'm confused..</p>

<p>I believe freshmen get to move in first and they do have staggered dates to avoid traffic gridlock–which happens anyway.</p>

<p>Which dorm are you in?</p>

<p>I’m in Sellery, but it’s unfortunate because I already made travel arrangements to move in the 30th and I don’t want to move in late…</p>

<p>You won’t be late if you move in the 30th. Plenty of people will be moving in that day and it will be less stressful because not EVERYONE will be trying to use the elevators, etc. Move in anytime from the 28th-30th, it doesn’t matter that much, no one checks or anything. Lots of people will be moving in all of those days.</p>

<p>almost free- you may want to find out why you have an early date, email Res Halls for an answer.</p>

<p>All students, regardless of new or returning status, are scheduled on 1 of 2 dates by house- that is on current move in info. That way usually 1/2 of each dorm moves in on each of the two days and everyone in the same house (often a floor, sometimes two or a building for Kronshage houses) is there the same day. Often a house meeting in the early evening of the house move in date (don’t plan dinner/supper with your parents). Returning students who are “Badger Buddies” who help with the move in and those working for Res Halls- eg Housefellows and food service workers- will be there sooner. Others might include international students or those with university activites that start.</p>

<p>Move in is a zoo, but very well organized. Portable signs on campus roads direct people to dorm parking and plenty of help in the middle of the day- plus laundry carts to wheel your stuff in. Remember to bring your parking permit for the 1 hour you get to be close to your dorm. You will get the info materials in time before you move.</p>

<p>Remember your dorm, house name and room number when you go to SOAR (some forget this). You should have a chance to see your dorm- a sample room (they use many dorms for various summer programs so you can’t visit your room). Consider bringing a tape measure and considering what you can fit and not before you acquire stuff. Room dimensions, lofting guides and what to bring all on the Res Halls website- explore it.</p>

<p>Room numbers have meaning. Generally the first (left) digit will tell you which floor. Liz Waters, however, is actually 5 buildings connected and built into a hill so ground levels vary- the first of the 4 digit number is the building from west to east (5 closest to Social Science), the second the floor, the last two the room. Witte and Sellery have two towers so there will be a clue in those numbers as well. Kronshage- you need to know your house name to know which building you are in.</p>

<p>Get to know your roommate this summer. You may want to think about lofting (don’t feel obligated to if you feel best with your bed on the floor), who gets the upper/lower cubby, which closet- or you can do a first to arrive gets first choice. Each room will have a small refrigerator but one person can provide a microwave oven (keep it on the refrigerator?).</p>

<p>Sellery and Ogg have early move-in this year due to construction around campus and trying to spread out the traffic so it isn’t as crazy on and 30th and 31st…I’m in the same boat.</p>