Confused about where i should go

<p>Hey everyone! I am currently a junior with a 95 unweighted gpa and decent sat scores (1700). I am really confused about the best kind of college I can get into. My boyfriend wants me to attend Stony brook with him but I was wondering if I would be letting my potential down going there. Does anyone think I can do better than that?</p>

<p>Can someone please respond!</p>

<p>a 95 is like a 3.8. If you could pull those SATs up by 250 points, you would have a very decent shot at NYU, Boston College and George Washington. You need to have Extra-curricullars up your sleeve as well.</p>

<p>Thanks! that SAT score is before I did any prep or anything so I am looking at an at least 300 point increase.</p>

<p>Maybe look into Syracuse also.</p>

<p>Look at U.S News and World Report rankings.
[Best</a> Colleges - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“]Best”></p>