Confused/ need your oppinions/thoughts

<p>Hey Y'all! I posted this in other topics here, but I didn't get a responce.
I currently go to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am a broadcast journalism major, wanting to get into radio. Everyone here tells me that this is not the right school for this, and they don't prepare you for the working world, etc, etc, the technology is out-of-date etc.... and a friend of mine (he graduated college) told me a few years ago when I first expressed interested in U of I that it isn't the right school for broadcast journalism, but I didn't believe him- and brushed his comment off. Not only that, but I can't even find an internship- and I'm stuck with like 9 thousand general ed classes (and I'm a junior!) I just transfered into the media college in October. So with all this in mind, I am looking at getting my AA in radio/TV from my community college, and then transfering to another school after that to get my BA in broadcasting or broadcast communications. (I'm not looking to be a journalist at all!) I'm not even looking to be on TV! (but I mean if I'm on TV before radio, then that's where I end up) at this point, I just wanna get my foot in the door, and I'm not sure U of I is the place to do it. (especially with their technology being super out of date) So any suggestons on good communication/broadcast communication schools? I would say I'd apply to Syracuse, but I don't want to be a journalist, I just need a really good program, preferably not journalism, since I don't intend to be a reporter. And the other thing that concerns me is they don't even place you for an internship- your pretty much on your own. In fact, I don't even have to get an internship to graduate if I don't want to. So any thoughts/suggestions on this are appreciated!
Please read/reply!
Thanks so much,
a future broadcaster.</p>

<p>I just posted a response for you in the main thread.</p>

<p>You may not be looking to be a journalist, but the skills you can acquire as a journalism major are transferable to most job fields.</p>

<p>With that said, I would strongly recommend another university. If I were you, I would look into the University of Miami, University of Southern California, Missouri, Columbia, Northwestern,North Carolina, and Stanford.</p>

<p>This is the time you need to research these universities to get a good idea of what they can do for you. Call these places and email them. As long as you are proactive, you will get exactly what you want.</p>

<p>I would transfer to another undergraduate program and then take a look at a Master’s Degree several years after earning a Bachelor’s Degree. Obviously doing it right away can hurt.</p>