Congradulations 2012

<p>Well since the first LOA has been announced her goes. When you get your LOA/Appointment just add your screen name, hometown, date of LOA/Appointment, and paste it in a reply. We can all watch the CC list grow.</p>

<p>Go Navy81,So Cal , appointment Oct11, also applied USNA</p>

<p>Beat ya to it. ;)</p>

<p>Well, regardless of that fact, congrats to Go Navy81, and anyone else who got an LOA. We look forward to seeing ya'all in April (we look forward to it more than you realize...). And you will start to get REALLY eager to be here by time April rolls around.</p>

<p>How's life been since I saw you 30 minutes ago, PETKO?</p>

<p>wow...I can't believe 2012 is already being accepted! It feels like I was just there...and that was TWO years ago! WOW! I can't believe its the middle of October too! Man time is FLYING! :)</p>

<p>Well of course time is flying, this is the Air Force Academy! Ha, things are great Falcons, how about you?</p>

<p>Happy Friday everybody!</p>

<p>I can't wait for 2012 to inprocess, that means that 2011 with finally have rights.</p>

<p>we have rights long before 2012 inprocesses</p>

<p>class of 2012, woot!</p>

<p>my preppies will be more than ready.</p>

<p>Haha, I'm sure you will...just please, for the sake of your classmates straight out of HS,don't be synnical about Basic. It makes it a little harder for everyone else. Instead, use your knowledge to help those struggling to get through. I know how preppies sometimes look at Academy roomate during Basic, and one of my best friends, are preppies. I'm sure you know what I mean. ;)</p>

<p>2012???? Whaa??????</p>

<p>Yes the class of 2012 is being selected....starting to feel older G4C? JK :)</p>

<p>G4C is just a wee kid though. :) Youngin'!</p>

<p>Hornetguy, are you getting those gray hairs yet? It would complete the "old mentor" image, lol.</p>

<p>Sometimes I get to feeling dated around here. I certainly can't answer those application-specific questions as well anymore. "Oh yeah, it's on DD form--wait, your app. is online now?"</p>

<p>lol, thanks raimius. :) </p>

<p>I feel so archaic, we used PAPER for our Apps! WOW! :)</p>

<p>What is this "paper" of which you speak? ;)</p>

<p>Thats OK youngsters when I entered the AF computers used punch cards and where bigger than your dorm rooms. "paper" of which you speak...Why I Oddaa....</p>

<p>Yeah, yeah, I'm young. Young enough to be in 2012 and still be a normal age. Shut up. :P</p>

<p>Look at it this way G4C when you finally retire with that star you'll still be young enough you wont need grecian formula and can really enjoy retirement.</p>

<p>Star, eh? <em>rubs chin and starts getting evil ideas of world domination...</em></p>

<p>Or you could just trade rank with General D at the next home football game. If you have the chutzpah to pull that off, I think you deserve to keep those two shiny stars. ;)</p>