CONGRATS to everyone... chance me please?

<p>Congrats to all admitees for the class of '13. what do u think my chances are for the class of '14 ED?</p>

<p>I am currently a junior in NJ. My mother, as well as three of my grandparents graduated from penn (3 uncles too but i dont think they are considered legacy) and one of my grandparents was an assistant proffesor there.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.93 W 3.9 UW (taking most difficult courses offered... 5 APs). 750m/660cr/620w on SAT (first time, positive i can get my CR and W way wayup... hoping for 2200). 750 Biology. I am very involved: write in the school newspaper (have my own political column), Varsity XC, track, JV ice hockey, environental club, NHS (soon), french NHS (soon), student counsil, leadership roles, physics club, science league, cominity service, i have a job, work in a writing whsp in school ect.... I am an excellent writer and im expecting good recc.letters. I am also interning this summer in a science lab for a couple weeks. </p>

<p>Any hope?</p>

<p>you certainly have a chance. scores can be higher, but as long as you have good essays and ecs, it’s worth a shot. a lot of people got admitted in ED don’t have extremely high scores (including me)</p>

<p>I’d say you definitely have a chance. Try to get your SAT to at least 2100, and put effort into your essays. I was accepted and my strongest points were my SAT (2310), enthusiastically-written recommendations, and fantastic essays; they overshadowed a transcript peppered with quite a few Bs and a small assortment of extracurriculars (of course, a laundry list is never good - Penn, from what I’ve heard/discerned, likes to see depth over breadth). Good luck!</p>

<p>Looks good. If you get over a 2200 on your next try, do not retake it.</p>

<p>Ok. First of all, you have a legacy and even if its RD it should help a little bit. SAT wise, try to retake it and do better, but if you dont, don’t sweat it. The thing this is most important in your application is your essays and your Recs, NOT your sat score. Therefore, it is IMPORTANT that you highlight and stress your one passion in your application and tailor it to your interests. other than that, good luck and i think you’ve got a chance.</p>

<p>thanks for replying… and thanks for the advice…and yeah, im a strong writer and i’m planning on putting a lot of effort into those essays</p>