<p>Hey, i know most of you are waiting for your upcoming decisions (good luck by the way), but i am curious what my chances are next year ED:</p>
<p>I am currently a junior in NJ. My mother, as well as three of my grandparents graduated from penn (3 uncles too but i dont think they are considered legacy) and one of my grandparents was an assistant proffesor there.</p>
<p>GPA: 4.93 W 3.9 UW (taking most difficult courses offered... 5 APs). 750m/660cr/620w on SAT (first time, positive i can get my CR and W way wayup). 750 Biology. I am very involved: write in the school newspaper (have my own political column), Varsity XC, track, JV ice hockey, environental club, NHS (soon), french NHS (soon), student counsil, leadership roles, physics club, science league, cominity service, i have a job, ect.... I am an excellent writer and im expecting good recc.letters. I am also interning this summer in a science lab for a couple weeks. </p>
<p>Sounds like you’re on the right track. Be sure to emphasize your passion for (science?) in your application essay. Your application reminds me a lot of my own. Good luck to you in the next year before your application.</p>
<p>thanks neviar. im deff going to emphasize my passion for science (also my passion for writing) i also think i need to get my sats up a little higher to atleast 2100. </p>
<p>Do you know if there is a dual degree program the incorporates liberal studies and biological sciences? (maybe a mix of seas and cas?) thanks</p>
<p>your username is from kurt vonnegut :). he’s one of my favorite authors of all time.
anyway, your chance is very good as long as you get those SAT scores up.
there is no dual degree program that “incorporates liberal studies and biological sciences”, but penn CAS offers biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and biological basis of behavior. one of those is going to satisfy exactly what you want.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help Crystal! yeah, i love KV… my fav too =) I just took the jan SAT and im confident i raised my writing and reading scores, but i guess i have to wait and see lol</p>