Congrats to the Class of 2013

<p>I attended my DD's graduation last week and it was very well run. Got to the Honors Convocation where Ben Hoffman won the Rena Ratte award for top graduate after scoring a 29 on the Putnam Exam (the median score is a 0), beating out one young lady who will be directly entering a PhD program in microbiology, among others. The graduation itself went off without a hitch despite the rain (simulcast in the Chapel and online) with the commencement address offered by Lieutenant-General Rom</p>

<p>I was watching from the chapel. I really think it’s a huge bummer that underclassmen couldn’t see their friends graduate. It’s frustrating that they don’t reserve SOME space for Lewis & Clark underclassmen, since nearly all seniors used their limited tickets for their family members. I had several close friends graduating and attending graduation offers a huge sense of school pride. </p>

<p>Oh well. I cheered for everyone in the chapel even though they couldn’t hear me. Hopefully next year will offer better weather. Congratulations graduates!</p>

<p>I don’t see a way around the issue Kenzie. The gym was packed with family members so they couldn’t shoe-horn in any additional LC students. Maybe if they build a field house which can take more people…</p>

<p>I ended up going to S1’s graduation which was held outside at Forest Grove, rain or shine. My wife went to S4’s and I’ll have to watch the DVD. At least I wore a coat for the rain, unlike many of the other parents and friends of the graduates. The stands were pretty thin by the time the last graduate students donned their hoods and diplomas. </p>

<p>I did attend S4’s Honors Convocation, but left to attend S1’s Pharmacy Honors Convocation which started an hour later. In all, a hectic Thursday and Saturday. We put a lot of miles on the rental. </p>

<p>In any case, I’ll be able to attend S4’s PhD graduation in 4-6 years. Erin’s Dad, congrats to your daughter. I’m sure she’ll be successful in whatever she pursues. Kenzie, good luck to you in your studies. I’m sure you’ll do well.</p>