HS class of 2013 admissions decisions

<p>Our kid in at l&c via e-mail on Friday evening! Anyone else?</p>

<p>Congratulations! My daughter is a freshman and really loves the school.</p>

<p>Got my packet today, with merit aid. Very pleased. Does anyone know what the total cost of admission is? I can’t find a single figure anywhere I look.</p>

<p>Just received my letter in the mail! Does anyone know what the highest amount merit scholarship is?</p>

<p>My S2 got his acceptance and scholarship offer on Friday/Saturday. They offer 5 full-ride scholarships (and offers go down from there).</p>

<p>My son got his e-mail acceptance on Friday and the envelope arrived today. He isn’t home so I don’t know any additional info yet. Learning to be patient :slight_smile: </p>

<p>We live in Denver, Colorado in case anyone is wondering how far mail has traveled so far.</p>

<p>Merit aid letter came in mail today!</p>

<p>As far as costs, [Undergraduate</a> Costs - Student and Departmental Account Services - Lewis & Clark](<a href=“http://www.lclark.edu/offices/account_services/settling_your_account/calculating_costs/costs/college/]Undergraduate”>http://www.lclark.edu/offices/account_services/settling_your_account/calculating_costs/costs/college/)
There is no one cost of attendance. Tuition is $40K, Room is $5.5K (for the least expensive room) and then Board varies depending on the option chosen. We recommend against the 19 meals/week and get some flex $ so you can use the alternate places like coffee shops easily.</p>



<p>The highest scholarship is full-tuition (~40k/yr), not full ride(~50k/yr). Still gotta pay room & meal plan, but it does come with a 1-time $2500 research stipend. They have 20-some half-tuition (~20k/yr) scholarships, and top 25% of the accepted class I think gets the Dean’s 1/4 tuition (~10k/yr) scholarship. But those are only the purely academic scholarships, there are also specific talent & service scholarships that I don’t know as much about.</p>

<p>My admittance year (2 years ago) admissions did NOT notify about 1/2 tuition or full tuition scholarships in the early round but they did award Dean’s scholarships in the early round - I know this because my original December acceptance came with the Dean’s scholarship but was bumped up to full-tuition in mid-march around the time of RD notifications. So if you (/your kid) got a smaller scholarship there’s still a possibility it’ll be bumped up.</p>

<p>Thanks for that information Kenzie1992. Very helpful!</p>

<p>got in last week 3.74/2230</p>