<p>she was matched to yale via questbridge!</p>
<p>nice! Congrats!!!</p>
<p>very awesome, congratulations!</p>
<p>omg took me 2 minutes to figure out who it was .lolll</p>
<p>nice job!! (what’s questbridge?)</p>
<p>omg, does that mean she was accepted?</p>
<p>!!!congrats, : )!!! must feel awesome ;)</p>
<p>thanks everyone!!! and thank you for the thread, eating food :]</p>
<p>also, congrats to the other CCers who were matched to yale as well!</p>
<p>That’s great news for you! I bet you deserve it Congratulations!</p>
<p>I had to recognize this! You’ve been here from the beginning, so it’s only fitting that we celebrate (hopefully this is a sneak preview of what’s to come!).</p>
Wow I can’t help feeling envious</p>
<p>so proud/happy for you!!!</p>
<p>Sorry to sound ill-informed, but what exactly does it mean to be “matched via questbridge”? What does that entail?</p>
<p>^ It’s a special program for very qualified students with financial need!</p>
<p>I’m hazy on the specifics, too, though.</p>
<p>So is she basically accepted and completely paid for???</p>
<p>Congrats, : )!</p>
<p>you pwn.</p>
<p>and yes, eating food, I also hope that this is a good omen haha</p>
<p>yea does that mean you got accepted? is that sort of a likely letter…??</p>
<p>technically, it’s acceptance and a full scholarship, but they can’t (legally?) admit us until later so apparently we’re getting likely letters soon. but basically, it’s acceptance.</p>
<p>Total pwnage. 4 years at Yale for free!</p>
<p>omg, congrats!!! the first CC acceptance :D</p>
<p>you must be soooo happy. i’m excited for you! haha</p>
<p>Wow, congrats!!!</p>
<p>Would you mind sharing some of your qualifications, gpa, sat, etc. ?</p>