Considering double majoring at Duke

I am thinking about double majoring in mechanical engineering and Econ with a finance concentration. How is the course load? How many hours does it cost per week?

Thank u.

They are both demanding – and excellent – majors. Please allow me to offer a suggestion. I presume you’re a '19(?); if so, keep this idea in mind, but take semester or two to acclimate. You can then execute, if it seems wise.

No I just got into Duke…currently in high school.

@PeterWong‌ (re post #2): Which would make you a '19, just as I indicated in post #1 (duh).

Oh that’s right sorry I thought u were saying a course number.

The course load will be very intense and it will be difficult but doable. Many kids who go the econ engineering double major route end up being very attractive to wall street and the like